A massive thank you from everyone who was involved in making this year's Mini Juniors Christmas Party extra special...
A big shout goes out to the all of the behind the scenes teams for their colossal efforts, the Coaches, Parents who also volunteered there time to organise...special mention to Santa and Lucky Buntys Events who kept the kids entertained throughout the day...We know all the parents and kids really enjoyed the day...and we also go to raise some decent funds for the Section and Club as a whole
Plenty still to come....The Club Christmas Lunch on Saturday 21st before the Home Game to Newark..pretty much maxxed out but check in with Dan at bookings@lichfieldrugby.co.uk for any last minute spots..
Chairman's XV v President's XV Game on the 28th which will effectively be the last of our 150th Year Events...ALL WELCOME
We HO HO HOpe you all have a very Merry Christmas